Friday, July 24, 2009

Paddington House of Pancake

可否想过薄煎饼也可以拿来当正餐呢?在槟城皇后湾广场的Paddington House of Pancake,是一间煎饼专卖店。
Have you ever think of taking pancakes as your main dishes? Paddington House of Pancake in Queensbay Mall is a restaurant that mainly serves pancakes.

Pancake with bananas and ice-cream, served as the main course and the dessert.

Tokyo Set有烤鸡块,鸡肉火腿配上pannekoek(荷兰的煎饼,比普通煎饼薄很多)。这配搭可以满足对份量要求较高的顾客。
Tokyo Set is served with juicy, tenderly-grilled chicken, and chicken ham with pannekoek, the Dutch pancake.

Pannekoek加上鸡肉火腿,黄梨,番茄和蘑菇,就组成具有异国风情的Honolulu Set。
A thin layer of Dutch pannekoek topped with chicken hams, pineapple cubes, tomatoes, fresh button mushrooms and most importantly, the chewy, well-spread mozarella cheese make the Honolulu Set.

说到墨西哥的食物,当然少不了牛肉和灯笼椒。Maxican Set就是用pannekoek包着番茄酱抄牛肉碎及灯笼椒组成的。牛肉碎的香加上灯笼椒的劲的确带出了墨西哥风味。
Talking about mexican food, it will be beef and pepper, of course. The Mexican set is made by
pannekoek topped with minced beef and pepper, served with mashed potatoes.

这就是San Francisco Set。两块鱼肉配上pannekoek,虽然美味但却太小份了。
This is the San Francisco Set. It is a chunky piece of pan-fried dory with mashed potatoes which is served with pannekoek.

薄薄的pannekoek上面铺着牛肉火腿,煎蛋和黄豆,就变成可口的Brussel Set了。
Beef hams, panfried egg and baked beans spreaded over the thin slice of pannekoek, this is the
Brussel Set.

Dollar pancake with bananas and ice-cream, it definitely gives you a different kind of sensation. It is called dollar pancake as it is round in shape and is 20 cents in size.

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